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Visits to Radio Azattyk’s website (January–December 2022)


Facebook video views
(January–December 2022)


YouTube video views
(January–December 2022)


Instagram video views
(January–December 2022)

About the Service

Operating out of Bishkek bureau, Radio Azattyk has been a major media outlet in Kyrgyzstan for 70 years.  

Recent actions by the Kyrgyz government are placing the country’s vibrant media – and, by extension, its democracy – at risk. 

Radio Azattyk reports on corruption and abuse of authority, which has led to shake-ups in the government.  

Responds to Russian and Chinese malign influence.

Published exclusive interview with an ethnic Kyrgyz woman that was tricked by the Chinese Embassy to cross the border into China and was sent to an internment camp in Xinjiang. 

Published investigations revealing that Russia used Kyrgyz airbases for its war in Ukraine.   

Uncovered that at least 90 military contractors from Russia’s Tuva Republic were forced to fight in Ukraine, where some died in battle.  

A report about the repeated rape of a young girl in Bishkek sparked nationwide outrage and condemnation from the United Nations and the Kyrgyz government. 

Reaching Audiences

Media Climate

Reporters Without Borders’ 2023 Press Freedom Index ranks Kyrgyzstan 120th out of 180 countries and says that “officials are trying to strengthen censorship.”  

The Kyrgyz government blocked websites in October 2022, froze bank accounts, and have threatened to shut down Azattyk completely. 


Eshimkanov Award

Recognized as among most active Kyrgyz media organizations.


Radio Azattyk’s reporters were honored as the best in a contest on gender equality.

Media Center

Latest Updates

RFE/RL President and CEO Jamie Fly meets with officials in Ukraine and Moldova.

RFE/RL President and CEO Jamie Fly Advocates for Azattyk in Visit to Kyrgyzstan

As the Kyrgyz government takes steps to shut down RFE/RL’s Kyrgyz Service, President and CEO Jamie Fly visited Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to advocate for the Service.

A demonstrator marching in support of independent media is interviewed and speaks into an RFE/RL microphone.

RFE/RL Challenges Kyrgyz Government Decision to Block Websites

Today, RFE/RL filed an administrative complaint with Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy.

Demonstrators march in support of independent media.

RFE/RL Responds to Kyrgyz Government Blocking Websites in Crackdown on Free Media

Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy announced it was blocking RFE/RL’s Kyrgyz Service websites for two months.

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